culture medium etc

  • DMEM High Glucose With L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate  IN0009

DMEM High Glucose With L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate IN0009

   CAT N° : IN0009


Sterility : Sterile filtered

Theoretical pH : 7.3 + 0.3

Osmolality : 334 mOsm/kg + 10 %

Colour : Red solution

Storage conditions : +2°C to +8°C

Shipping conditions : Ambient

Shelf life : 12 months

Endotoxin : <1 EU/ml
Cultured cells: culture of fibroblasts, neuronal cells, endothelial cells, SP2/0, HEP-2, Hela, CHO, etc.
Composition : DMEM, high glucose, with 4500mg/L glucose, L-glutamine, 110mg/L sodium pyruvate and phenol red.

 Sterility tests :

Bacteria in aerobic and anaerobic conditions

Fungi and yeasts

 Cell growth test :

Medium tested for the ability to support cell growth with L929 line.

 Recommended use :

Respect storage conditions of the product

Do not use the product after its expiry date

Store product in an area protected from light (not necessary for saline solutions).

Manipulate the product in aseptic conditions (e.g. : under laminar air flow)

Wear clothes adapted to the manipulation of the product to avoid contamination (e.g. : gloves, mask, hygiene cap, overall…)

 Description :

Lots of modifications of Eagle’s medium have been developed since the creation of the first formulation. The most used Eagle’s medium is the Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM).

It is a modification of Basal Medium Eagle (BME) that contains a concentration more important of amino acids and vitamins and also supplementary components. The original formulation contained 1000mg/l of glucose and was used to culture embryonic mouse cells. The used of 4500mg/l of glucose in the medium show an optimal cell growth for some cell lines.

 Uses :

Supplements, such as antibiotics, should be added as sterile supplements to the medium. Storage conditions and shelf-life of supplemented products will be affected by the nature of the supplements.

 Signs of deterioration :

Medium should be clear and free of particulate and flocculent material. Do not use this medium if it is cloudy or contains precipitate.

Other evidence of deterioration may include colour change or degradation of physical or performance characteristics.


It can only be used for scientific research. It is forbidden to use it for human, animal or other purposes.